Spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ through living to love others
Paige's Favorite Verse:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13
Mom's Favorite Verse:
"Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."
2 Corinthians 3:17
Forgiveness is Freedom
"The instant I placed my feet on the floor the morning of January 9, 2011, I knew the world had changed. The earth felt silent and eerily still. Yet we went to our first worship services since moving to Southern California a few weeks earlier. After worship, my cell phone rang, and the news came: Very early that morning, our loving, beautiful, funny and talented 18 year old daughter, Paige, was killed in a tragic car accident. The screams of pain quickly consumed me, my husband Tom and our beautiful children. The agony was overwhelming. Life was never going to be the same again.
'A wife who loses a husband is called a widow.
A husband who loses a wife is called a widower.
A child who loses his parents is called an orphan.
There is no word for a parent who loses a child, That's how awful the loss is.'
-Neugeboren 1976
As the long road of grieving and healing began, I could literally feel Christ's peace in every fiber of my mind and body. Jesus outshines and pierces through the grief, turmoil, and sadness; and engulfs me with His love. Our Living Savior's compassion, grace and tender mercies have ALWAYS been with me.
A very important meeting took place on Tuesday, January 18, 2011, nine days after Paige died. I have been called by my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to share my story of that meeting and how God's grace was shed upon me.
I pray the love God shared with me and I bear witness to, will also surround you and yours with peace.
I live to love, Pamela
A Note from Dr. Kurt Krueger,
President of Concordia University, Irvine, CA
The worst imaginable of circumstances first brought Pamela Martens and me together: the death of her lovely 18-year-old daughter Paige. Before her tragic death, Paige was a student at Concordia University, looking forward to a successful basketball career on her way to earning a college degree. And Pamela and her husband Tom were cheering her on. That all changed for Paige and for Pamela and Tom one evening when Paige was killed in a car accident. Paige went on to be with her Lord. Pamela and Tom were left to pick up the pieces, to comfort each other and members of their family and to try to find some shred of meaning and comfort in the untimely death of their daughter. Pamela’s spiritual journey from that tragic evening in 2011 until today is chronicled on this website and finds its expression in “Live to Love Ministries.” Pamela and Tom are people of deep faith and conviction, and I know you will find Pamela’s story meaningful and inspiring.
A Note from Rev. John R. Steward,
Senior Pastor
Mount of Olives Church, Mission Viejo, Calif.
"Thank you for sharing your inspiring story about you and your daughter Paige. Your faith and commitment to God shone through as you spoke about the joy of being Paige's parents and the heartache and sorrow you felt from her loss.
Many people were affected by what they saw and heard when you spoke at our church. Your testimonies reminded people of God's faithfulness. You are living evidence that God can and does lift and hold us up. Your unyielding belief that you will see Paige again, just as Christ promised, gave hope to many people who attended our services that weekend.
Again, many thanks for your powerful message. May God continue to bless you and your family."
A Note from Rev. Loren Kramer,
President Emeritus.
Pacific Southwest District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
"Certainly one of the greatest tragedies that a parent can experience is the death of their child. Pam Martens faced that reality when her daughter Paige was killed in a traffic accident. Enormous grief and deep sorrow came crashing into her life and all joy was gone. But that is not the end of the story. Pam takes seriously St. Paul's words "That we do not sorrow as others who have no hope." Hope born out of her deep conviction that death does not have the final word gave birth to a ministry of compassion and concern for others who are dealing with deep grief. She is eager to share the comfort she finds in the presence and promises of God. I pray that you will find her insights and faith a blessing.”